Image Gallery sort by Date by default?

Last post 08-25-2011, 9:41 AM by misterGST. 2 replies.
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  •  08-16-2011, 9:24 AM 69581

    Image Gallery sort by Date by default?

    Hello CuteSoft Team,

    my name is George. I am "calling" from Germany. Please excuse my bad English first ...
    I am using CuteEditor for PHP on a Apache-Server - it works fine so far.

    I have a lot of images in my image gallery folder. Every time I want to insert one image, I see the oldest picture first in the popup menu. It is hard to scroll about 5000 images down every time.

    Question 1: How can I sort the list of images by Date (newest first) in the InsertImage popup-menu by default?
    Question 2: How can I sort the "thumbnail images" by Date (newest first) in the ImageGalleryByBrowsing popup-menu by default?
    If this feature is not possible: How can I sort by Name (opposite direction: Z-A) by default?

    I think - there are one or two lines to insert in "InsertGallery.php" or "browse_Img_gallery.php" ?
    Could you please tell me the code-snippet I have to insert - and which in file exactly (+ line number).

    Thank you in advance!

    CuteEditor for PHP 6.6 | HTTP Server: Apache/2.2.16 | PHP Version: 5.2.13 | Browser: Firefox 5.0
  •  08-25-2011, 2:50 AM 69815 in reply to 69581

    Re: Image Gallery sort by Date by default?

    Hi misterGST,

    Question 1: How can I sort the list of images by Date (newest first) in the InsertImage popup-menu by default?

    For now, only support the “Name” and “size” order.

    Question 2:How can I sort the "thumbnail images" by Date (newest first) in the ImageGalleryByBrowsing popup-menu by default?
    for now does not support this function, sorry for your inconvenience.



  •  08-25-2011, 9:41 AM 69821 in reply to 69581

    Re: Image Gallery sort by Date by default?

    Hi Ken,
    thank you for reply.
    If this feature is not possible: How can I sort by Name (opposite direction: Z-A) by default?
    I have edit the following code:   /admin/cuteeditor_files/Dialogs/browse_Img.php  (Line: 177)
    From:   asort($filelist);
    To:       arsort($filelist);
    Now the sort order of the image list is low to high.
    Thank you for your help ...

    CuteEditor for PHP 6.6 | HTTP Server: Apache/2.2.16 | PHP Version: 5.2.13 | Browser: Firefox 5.0
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