help me! some errors

Last post 03-28-2011, 9:37 AM by Eric. 1 replies.
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  •  03-27-2011, 10:46 AM 66876

    help me! some errors

    Hello. Adam!
    i have small business license.
    1. i don't know $_SESSION['CESecurity'] is empty or null
    file position : cuteeditor_files/Dialogs/Include_Security.php
    if ($CESecurity != $_SESSION['CESecurity'])
    print "The area you are attempting to access is forbidden";
    2. i don't know glob is undefined function 
    file position : cuteeditor_files/Dialogs/phpuploader/include_phpuploader.php
       function PhpUploader_GetFiles($_file,$_line,$pattern)
    return array();
    return $re;
    because of function error disappear 'Upload file' button.
    make annotation in the function, appear 'Upload file' button.
    but During 'Upload' occur Javascript ERROR(element 'upbtn' not found), don't complete Progress bar and stop.
    also File(cuteeditor_files/Dialogs/phpuploader/ajaxuploaderresource.php?type=script) occur Javascript ERROR(Object does not support this property or method.)
  •  03-28-2011, 9:37 AM 66893 in reply to 66876

    Re: help me! some errors

    Dear hojeongLee,
    Can you send ftp access to ? We only need  full permission of CuteEditor folders. We will check this issue for you.
    Thank you for asking
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