
Last post 02-14-2011, 5:23 PM by Cassiopeia. 3 replies.
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  •  02-14-2011, 12:29 AM 66197


    MaxHTMLLength is set and cuteEditor alerts the user correctly if over the limit, however, the "Words/Characters" count at the bottom of the editor displays the TextLength. This is confusing my users.
    Is there a way I can display the total HTMLCharCount when MaxHTMLLength is set?
  •  02-14-2011, 12:38 AM 66200 in reply to 66197

    Re: MaxHTMLLength

    nevermind ..... that would be even more confusing.
    best not use 
  •  02-14-2011, 4:16 PM 66222 in reply to 66200

    Re: MaxHTMLLength

    Dear Cassiopeia,

    Editor.MaxHTMLLength Property:
    Gets or sets the maximum number of characters including the HTML tags allowed in the Cute Editor. Default is zero, indicating no maximum.
    Editor.MaxTextLength Property
    Gets or sets the maximum number of characters excluding the HTML tags allowed in the Cute Editor. Default is zero, indicating no maximum.
    The user will know whether html code or text has reached the character limitation by the displayed warning message.
    Thank you for asking
  •  02-14-2011, 5:23 PM 66224 in reply to 66222

    Re: MaxHTMLLength

    Thank you Eric for taking the time to respond,
    to clarify this for anybody seeing this thread, my confusion occured because I had MaxHTMLength set while not allowing the user to SEE/ACCESS the html code. The Word/Character count at the bottom of the editor displays correctly when in HTML mode.
    I was simply over-complicating things trying to mix MaxHTMLLength with WYSIWYG viewing mode.
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