Image copy paste URL changes

Last post 02-18-2010, 3:12 PM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  02-16-2010, 3:29 AM 58710

    Image copy paste URL changes

    Just found a small problem (Although it is effecting us)
    If I select an image and use Ctrl+C to copy it then Ctrl+V to paste it in the properties for the image the URL has '..' prepended  to it.
    For example go to...
    Select the first image of the smiling girl
    Use Ctrl+C to copy the image
    Use Ctrl+V to paste the image somewhere
    Look at the properties->URL for the original image ... 

    Look at the properties->URL for the pasted image ...
    If you browse for the image again it will reset the URL to the original 
    Any fixes or work arounds?
  •  02-16-2010, 8:26 AM 58715 in reply to 58710

    Re: Image copy paste URL changes

    Dear gman,
    I use ie8 and cannot reproduce it, which browser are you using?
  •  02-16-2010, 8:36 AM 58717 in reply to 58715

    Re: Image copy paste URL changes

    I'm using Firefox 3.6
  •  02-18-2010, 3:12 PM 58817 in reply to 58710

    Re: Image copy paste URL changes

    Just found a small problem (Although it is effecting us)
    If I select an image and use Ctrl+C to copy it then Ctrl+V to paste it in the properties for the image the URL has '..' prepended  to it.
    For example go to...
    Select the first image of the smiling girl
    Use Ctrl+C to copy the image
    Use Ctrl+V to paste the image somewhere
    Look at the properties->URL for the original image ... 

    Look at the properties->URL for the pasted image ...
    If you browse for the image again it will reset the URL to the original 
    Any fixes or work arounds?
    This is the browser behaviour. We don't have the solution to this issue right now. Chat
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