Dump All Settings

Last post 04-15-2005, 5:21 PM by randal. 0 replies.
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  •  04-15-2005, 5:21 PM 5781

    Dump All Settings

    It would be very helpful to have a client-side function that would return the current editor version, detected browser and so on, along with the names and values of all optional settings of the editor---the name and value of every variable that affects the operation of the editor.   I'm imagining an optional custom button that calls this function that would insert the results as text or an HTML table at the cursor position. 

    This feature would be great for debugging in case an attempt to set an option is not working and for showing the current environment when reporting trouble in the forum.  It would also be a helpful self-documenting tool that would alert implementers to the existence and default values of helpful settings that they might not know of, otherwise.  Such a function and button seems rather easy for CuteSoft to provide and very useful to the user-community.  

    I invite all who read this to please reply in order to add your voice to this request and indicate how widely this feature would be appreciated.
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