I have a page with a Cute Editor that the user hides/shows via javascript (setting the <div style='display:none'> )
The page must validate on the client side (even when the Editor is hidden) .
But the line "editor.GetDocument()" fails if the editor is hidden.
Any workaround ?
Here's a stripped down version of the page. (It works if you remove the display:none)
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function maxSizeEdit(source, args) {
alert('<%= edit.ClientID %>');
args.IsValid = valCuteEditorLength('<%= edit.ClientID %>', 10, 'My Editor');
function valCuteEditorLength(id, maxLength, controlToValidateName) {
var editor = document.getElementById(id);
var editdoc = editor.GetDocument();
var editbody = editdoc.body;
var curLength;
if (document.all)
{ curLength = editbody.innerText.length; }
{ curLength = editbody.textContent.length; }
if (curLength <= maxLength) {
return true;
else {
alert(controlToValidateName + ' exceeded ' + maxLength + ' characters');
return false;
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="sm"></asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:ValidationSummary runat="server" ID="valSummary" DisplayMode="List" ShowSummary="true" />
<div style="display:none">
<CE:Editor runat="server" ID="edit" ShowEditMode="False" ShowHtmlMode="False"
ShowPreviewMode="False" Text="12456789012345"></CE:Editor>
<asp:CustomValidator runat="server" ID="valEdit" ValidateEmptyText="true" ControlToValidate="edit" ClientValidationFunction="maxSizeEdit" ErrorMessage="Too Big" Text="*"></asp:CustomValidator>
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnOK" Text="OK" CausesValidation="true"/>