Export to PDF

Last post 06-26-2009, 8:33 AM by adobepro. 2 replies.
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  •  06-22-2009, 9:32 AM 53356

    Export to PDF

    We were initially using Crystal Reports to generate a PDF with the content created by CE [CE content would be saved to MS SQL Server] but ran into issues when generating a PDF from Crystal due to the limitation of it's HTML interpretation.
    My question is, can CE take in input from the editor and export it to a PDF that users can download/print? My idea is to be able to have users enter in content into the tool and then with an HTML input button tied to a snippet of javascript that I'll create on the web page, make a call to the CE for PHP to export that content in the CE tool to generate and return a PDF file with that content. Is that possible? If it is, can you please provide a sample script to do this?
    Linux / Apache / PHP 5.2.9 / MS SQL Server
    CE Product License:  CuteEditor for PHP V6.0 Domain License
  •  06-23-2009, 10:28 AM 53397 in reply to 53356

    Re: Export to PDF

    This feature is only available to ASP.NET version right now. Create PDF files. It will need an IIS server.
    We don't have the solution for PHP version yet.

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  •  06-26-2009, 8:33 AM 53556 in reply to 53397

    Re: Export to PDF

    Hi Adam,
    Thanks ... online chat advised me of that but didn't get a chance to post here. I also have the paid .NET version, and I'm working with it now and have a question on it, but I'll post it in that forum.
    Thanks again,
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