Some issue with cuteEditor 6.2

Last post 12-22-2008, 12:20 PM by Anonymous. 2 replies.
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  •  12-22-2008, 4:58 AM 47159

    Some issue with cuteEditor 6.2

    Hi Adam,
    Found some issues with version 6.2 if

    1.        Click on insert link icon and click on browse button. Gives Unexpected Error.

    2.        Spell check is performed on whole data or content instead of the selected word.

    3.        In spell check pop up window, The focus is not on first word or any word in suggestion box and if I clicks on “replace” without selecting any suggestion then word is getting replaced by a blank

    4.        In FireFox if I click on HTML or Preview tab then it must get highlighted as in case on IE 7.0.

    5.        “Cut” button is enabled by default and every time when I click “cut” it removes left most character.

    6.        When trying to paste HTML code that is

    <table><tr><td>Hello</td> <td>Vin</td></tr></table>

    a.        using “paste as html” it paste the HTML code only.

    b.        Using “Paste as plain text”, it renders the HTML on editor means create a table with 1 row and 2 column.

    Is the functionality correct or interchanged?

    7.        Not able to play Embedded object from
  •  12-22-2008, 11:41 AM 47171 in reply to 47159

    Re: Some issue with cuteEditor 6.2

    >>1.        Click on insert link icon and click on browse button. Gives Unexpected Error.
    It's strange.  Do you have problems with the examples included in the download package?
    Have you changed the code?
    >>2.        Spell check is performed on whole data or content instead of the selected word.
    This is by design. For more information, please check the NetSpell web site.

    3.        In spell check pop up window, The focus is not on first word or any word in suggestion box and if I clicks on “replace” without selecting any suggestion then word is getting replaced by a blank

    >>4.        In FireFox if I click on HTML or Preview tab then it must get highlighted as in case on IE 7.0.
    I don't understand this question.

    5.        “Cut” button is enabled by default and every time when I click “cut” it removes left most character.

    6.        When trying to paste HTML code that is

    <table><tr><td>Hello</td> <td>Vin</td></tr></table>

    a.        using “paste as html” it paste the HTML code only.

    b.        Using “Paste as plain text”, it renders the HTML on editor means create a table with 1 row and 2 column.

    Is the functionality correct or interchanged?
    Please check this example and find the correct option for your situation.
    >>7.        Not able to play Embedded object from
    What kind of embedded object are you trying to insert?
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
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  •  12-22-2008, 12:20 PM 47174 in reply to 47171

    Re: Some issue with cuteEditor 6.2

    >>1.        Click on insert link icon and click on browse button. Gives Unexpected Error.
    It's strange.  Do you have problems with the examples included in the download package?
    Have you changed the code?
    >>2.        Spell check is performed on whole data or content instead of the selected word.
    This is by design. For more information, please check the NetSpell web site.

    3.        In spell check pop up window, The focus is not on first word or any word in suggestion box and if I clicks on “replace” without selecting any suggestion then word is getting replaced by a blank

    >>4.        In FireFox if I click on HTML or Preview tab then it must get highlighted as in case on IE 7.0.
    I don't understand this question.
     The 3 tabs in the botton... "Normal","HTML" and "preview"

    5.        “Cut” button is enabled by default and every time when I click “cut” it removes left most character.

    6.        When trying to paste HTML code that is

    <table><tr><td>Hello</td> <td>Vin</td></tr></table>

    a.        using “paste as html” it paste the HTML code only.

    b.        Using “Paste as plain text”, it renders the HTML on editor means create a table with 1 row and 2 column.

    Is the functionality correct or interchanged?
    Got it, the folder~/uploads folder.
    Please check this example and find the correct option for your situation.
    >>7.        Not able to play Embedded object from
    What kind of embedded object are you trying to insert?

    <object width='400' height='333'><param name='movie' value='' /><param name='flashvars' value='image=2008/11/18/jbfcesuoto.jpg&file=2008/11/18/jbfcesuoto.flv&showfsbutton=false' /><embed src='' width='400' height='333' flashvars='image=2008/11/18/jbfcesuoto.jpg&file=2008/11/18/jbfcesuoto.flv&&showfsbutton=false'></embed></object>

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