Hi Adam
Yes mate it works as expected there. Any ideas what i can try??
In addition to my break problem why cant I roll back to version 5 without getting the 'The Licence for this Editor is not valid' error? I need to get rid of this. End users are getting frustrated. As I said there is four instances of the editor on the page so they are getting this error four times before the page loads. please help???
Please note: In relation to the break problem the same page which runs fine in version 5 is doing this in version 6, logic tells me it cant be my code. It run fine for some time until I changed to 6. Anyhow here is the code which renders the editor:
<% content = ""
if updateAllowed = true then
if trim(displayMemo(getHRA(8))) <> "" then
if updateAllowed = true then content = trim(displayMemo(getHRA(8))) end if
end if
Set editor = New CuteEditor
editor.ID = "evaluateRisk"
editor.ThemeType = "OfficeXP"
editor.text = content
editor.FilesPath = "../CuteEditor_Files/CuteEditor_Files"
editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/Uploads"
editor.MaxImageSize = 50
editor.BreakElement= "br"
editor.ShowHtmlMode = true
editor.ShowPreviewMode = false
'editor.AutoConfigure = "Minimal"
editor.UseNetSpell = true
editor.showPreviewmode = false
editor.TemplateItemList= "netspell,Bold,Italic,Underline,justifyLeft,justifyCenter,justifyRight,justifyFull,justifyNone,InsertOrderedList,InsertunOrderedList,indent,outdent,removeFormat,ucase,lcase,cut,copy,paste,pastText,pasteword,print,find,delete,undo,redo,insertDate,insertTime,help,linebreak,FontName,FontSize,forecolor,backColor,"
editor.Width = 620
editor.Height = 240
editor.Draw() %>
<div align="center"><bR><input type="submit" class="inputbuttonnNavy" title="Clicking this button will update all areas on this page except for the 'Accept/Update Risk' area at the foot of the page." value="Submit / Update Details"></div>
<% else
if foundHRA = true then %><% if trim(getHRA(8)) <> "" then %> <%= trim(displayMemo(getHRA(8))) %> <% else %> <div align="center"><i>No 'EVALUATE RISK' information found in the system.</i></div><br> <% end if %> <% else %> <div align="center"><i>No 'EVALUATE RISK' information found in the system.</i></div><br> <% end if %>
<% end if %>
Wind is your friend