folder for each user to upload

Last post 07-11-2008, 11:12 AM by JFRanger. 1 replies.
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  •  07-10-2008, 3:14 PM 42119

    folder for each user to upload

    In my site has multiple users and want each one has a folder to upload it possible the cute editor allow only the user to use the folder to upload it, detecting the user's id?
  •  07-11-2008, 11:12 AM 42140 in reply to 42119

    Re: folder for each user to upload

               ' check if user folder exist, if not create it!
                userPath= "D:\wwwroot\myApp\uploads\" & IDUSER & "\"

                  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
                    If Not fso.FolderExists(userPath) Then
                      Set createMyFolder = fso.CreateFolder(userPath)
                    end if
                  set fso = nothing
               ' tell CE the upload path!
                editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/uploads/" & IDUSER & "/documents"
                editor.MediaGalleryPath = "/uploads/" & IDUSER & "/documents"
                editor.FlashGalleryPath = "/uploads/" & IDUSER & "/documents"
                editor.FilesGalleryPath = "/uploads/" & IDUSER & "/documents"
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