different departments, different online status?

Last post 07-03-2008, 8:34 AM by Ton. 0 replies.
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  •  07-03-2008, 8:34 AM 41902

    different departments, different online status?

    In our project, the visitor of the website needs to see two chat-buttons: 1 for each department (technical / medical)
    The support-agents are placed into different departments (technical/medical).
    The support-agents login to the same server
    Now, the 2 chatbuttons should indicate its individual online/offline state, so the visitor needs to know if a technical agent is online/offline, and if a medical agent is online/offline. Based on availablity of online agents within a department.
    How can we build a chat-button which shows online/offline based on availability of agent within departments.
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