ImageGalleryPath -- You don't need to look this. I found the solution.

Last post 06-04-2008, 3:53 PM by kathy007. 0 replies.
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  •  06-04-2008, 3:53 PM 41129

    ImageGalleryPath -- You don't need to look this. I found the solution.

    Type text here
    Forget about below.  I found the solution.
    I am evalutating CuteEditor right now.   I already search on similar issue in this Forum.  I wasn't find any solution. 
    I really need to find the way to this problem.
    We one designated server for holding all images. 
    So I created virtual directory in IIS to map to that server.  Virtual directory name is  'marketingImage'.
    The path to marketingImage is \\servername\foldername
    I make sure to have right to create and write in folder and share permission to folder.
    Now I tried to make ImageGalleryPath to read the directory I specified above. It wasn't working for me.
    Below is the one I tried.
    Editor.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath") = "/marketingImage"
    --Error: Failed to map the path '/marketingImage'.
    Editor.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath") = "~/marketingImage"
    --Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Administrator\marketingImage'.
    Editor.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath") = "http://localhost/marketingImage"
    --'/http://localhost/marketingImage/' is not a valid virtual path
    What is the correct syntax for this?  Did I missed anything?
    I download latest editor and our environment is framework 2.0.
    Thank you in advance.
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