I've created a custom class (in a .NET class library) that inherits ChatProvider and put the resulting dll in the /bin folder of my CuteChat application.
I've also added the following lines in the global.asax.cs file in the Application_Start function:
CuteChat.ChatProvider.Instance=new CADChatProvider();
CuteChat.ChatSystem.Start(new CuteChat.AppSystem());
Of course, CADChatProvider is the class that inherits ChatProvider. I've also added a reference to my dll at the beginning of the file:
using CADChat;
Now, I wonder what is missing. I've even tried restarting IIS just to make sure Application_Start would be executed but, basically, my dll doesn't seem to be taken into account. I could write
CuteChat.ChatProvider.Instance=new ICantGetThisThingToWork();
CuteChat.ChatSystem.Start(new CuteChat.AppSystem());
in Application_Start and it'd be just the same. No error, no nothing, just like this thing is not executed at all... Anyway, everytime I go to a Channel, I'm always a guest... What have I done, not done or done wrong???
Thanks in advance.