Asking for comments about the Cute Editor and DNN

Last post 02-14-2008, 9:51 AM by Adam. 4 replies.
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  •  02-13-2008, 9:01 PM 37031

    Asking for comments about the Cute Editor and DNN

    Hi all,
    I'm considering getting Cute editor for use in my DNN portal system and have browsed the forums here for while now, but still have some questions.
    1. Does it have an inbuilt spelling checker?
    2. Does it automatically respect the DNN folder permissions - for example, when someone of a particular user-role using it to find or upload a file or picture, does it grant access to only those folders that that role has the right permissions for?
    3. Can it be customized per portal or does the configuration affect the editor the same across all portals?
    4. Can it be customized per module or per module instance within a sub portal like FCK can?
    5. I presume I can disable things like image uploading in certain cases - for example, for forum users? Is that done by role or by module or something else?
    6. If I can customize it for a particular portal, and the portal skin is a global/host skin, will the editor use the skin.css from that skin in the editor area like FCK does? Meaning - is this a 100% wysiwyg experience in a multi-portal, and hence multi-skin, environment?
    7. Does it really work just the same with Safari and Opera etc?
    8. And this is the main reason I want a new editor: I want to provide the simplest method for un-skilled users to upload images and have them compressed and resized along the way. The online cropping and rotating is all bonus. Does the image browser and image editing facility really work properly or does it have any caveats I need to be aware of.
    9. Does it seamlessly replace FCK across all pages and modules where that is normally provided - for example in the bio section of the DNN profile page and in any third party module?
    10. I use loads of modules from Active Forums to Onyak's and DNN Masters etc. Some of these have RAD components - does that cause any trouble?
    11. And one for Cutesoft in particular: Are you actively supporting and updating the DNN provider for future DNN developments such as the Cambrian release, or is the DNN provider seen as an unsupported freebie?
    12. And for anyone else - has anyone got comments on this versus the RAD editor.. in particular regarding DNN integration and the image editing bits?
    Lots of questions I know, but I really appreciate any comments and feedback on these things. I'm going to try installing the download on a test portal as well, but it's hard to cover all bases with that.
    Best regards,
  •  02-13-2008, 10:03 PM 37033 in reply to 37031

    Re: Asking for comments about the Cute Editor and DNN


    Thanks for the interest.

  • Does it have an inbuilt spelling checker?

  • Does it automatically respect the DNN folder permissions - for example, when someone of a particular user-role using it to find or upload a file or picture, does it grant access to only those folders that that role has the right permissions for?

  • Can it be customized per portal or does the configuration affect the editor the same across all portals?

    ALL Portals. If you can customize it por portal, you need to modify the editor provider.
  • Can it be customized per module or per module instance within a sub portal like FCK can?
    You need to modify the editor provider to achieve this.
  • I presume I can disable things like image uploading in certain cases - for example, for forum users? Is that done by role or by module or something else?

    Yes. The toolbar setting and all the security settings (image gallery path, MaxImageSize, MaxImageFolderSize.. ) can be set by user role.
  • It can be set by module as well, but it needs you customize the module. 

  • If I can customize it for a particular portal, and the portal skin is a global/host skin, will the editor use the skin.css from that skin in the editor area like FCK does? Meaning - is this a 100% wysiwyg experience in a multi-portal, and hence multi-skin, environment?

    CuteEditor use the stylesheet files of Globals.HostPath, ActiveTab.SkinPath and portal.
  • Does it really work just the same with Safari and Opera etc?

    We have three sets of solutions for safari.
    Safari (1.3) Some funtions are not enabled due the safari limitation.
    Safari (2.0) Most funtions are supported in this version.
    Safari (3.0) All funtions are supported.

    Opera: all functions are supported.
  • And this is the main reason I want a new editor: I want to provide the simplest method for un-skilled users to upload images and have them compressed and resized along the way. The online cropping and rotating is all bonus. Does the image browser and image editing facility really work properly or does it have any caveats I need to be aware of. 

    You have to methods the resize the images.

    a. Online Image Editor.
    b. The thumbnail button in the insert image dialog.
  • Does it seamlessly replace FCK across all pages and modules where that is normally provided - for example in the bio section of the DNN profile page and in any third party module?

  • I use loads of modules from Active Forums to Onyak's and DNN Masters etc. Some of these have RAD components - does that cause any trouble?

  • And one for Cutesoft in particular: Are you actively supporting and updating the DNN provider for future DNN developments such as the Cambrian release, or is the DNN provider seen as an unsupported freebie?

    It' supported and we improve it regularly.
  • And for anyone else - has anyone got comments on this versus the RAD editor.. in particular regarding DNN integration and the image editing bits?

    The following chart may help:

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  •  02-14-2008, 12:21 AM 37034 in reply to 37033

    Re: Asking for comments about the Cute Editor and DNN

    Thanks for the prompt reply Adam,
    I should be clear that I'm looking to implement a new editor "out of the box". By that I mean... whilst I'm perfectly capable of configuring the editor, I'm completely unable to develop or extend any functionality myself. I'm reliant on what has already been developed.
    I've had a couple more thoughts since, if that's ok:
    1. Is the provider aware of portal-specific settings that one can set in DNN, such as the per-portal disk-space limit? If I have one portal that has been granted unlimited space and another that is restricted to 30Mb, does the provider know this and if so, does it provide a useful notice when someone attempts to breach the limit?
    2. When one inserts a link using the FCK editor, the popup dialogue lets one select pages from the portal. Does this editor do that or does one have to browse to pages in another window and copy and paste such internal links.
    3. If it does let one link to internal pages by providing a list or something, does the list respect DNN page view permissions for the user and will it therefore hide invisible pages and admin pages?
    4. Do any of the popups, property dialogues, or the image editor, trigger the standard browser popup-blockers? I'm not concerned about third party blockers, but would would prefer if users did not have to disable default blockers in the standard browsers. This has been a usability problem with the FCK provider.
    5. And finally: I downloaded a zip called "NukeEdit4" for testing. What is the limitation for using this... does it only run on localhost?
    Thanks again for any comments
  •  02-14-2008, 4:07 AM 37036 in reply to 37034

    Re: Asking for comments about the Cute Editor and DNN

    Ok, I can answer a couple of my questions.
    3. It has a separate drop-down of portal links on the tool-bar. Is this how internal links are intended to be added?
    5. It works with Localhost
  •  02-14-2008, 9:51 AM 37044 in reply to 37036

    Re: Asking for comments about the Cute Editor and DNN

    >>3. It has a separate drop-down of portal links on the tool-bar. Is this how internal links are intended to be added?
    >>5. It works with Localhost
    It also work for the remote server.
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