How To Use SQL For Image/File/Gallery In VB.Net?

Last post 02-10-2008, 1:42 AM by MDCragg. 2 replies.
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  •  02-10-2008, 1:08 AM 36922

    How To Use SQL For Image/File/Gallery In VB.Net?

    Does anybody know how to use a SQL database to store images and other files for user in the gallery and the Cute Editor?  I sent a message directly to Adam asking how to do this but got a useless answer that basically told me to just download the sample code and figure it out on my own.  Despite being pissed off by this non-response I did look through the downloaded code.  The only code that I found that I think pertains to what I want is in C# and I work in VB.
    If I can get this to work I may buy Cute Editor (despite being pissed off at the *** response I got).  If I can't I am going to look at something from ComponentArt, ComponentOne, Telerik, or some other vendor.
    Thanks for any (useful) response anybody can offer.
  •  02-10-2008, 1:29 AM 36923 in reply to 36922

    Re: How To Use SQL For Image/File/Gallery In VB.Net?

    For storing the images and other files into DB, we don't have document. We only have a real time example.
    I've asked our developers add vb example and document in the coming version 6.1 which will be published within 10 days.
    >>The only code that I found that I think pertains to what I want is in C# and I work in VB.
    Please check the following thread:
    I hope this answer may help.
    Let me know if you meet any issues. Chat
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  •  02-10-2008, 1:42 AM 36924 in reply to 36923

    Re: How To Use SQL For Image/File/Gallery In VB.Net?

    Okay...I will work on it.  This is a much better response than your first one.
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