Get friends list to show in web page

Last post 01-18-2008, 7:27 AM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  01-16-2008, 6:31 AM 36349

    Get friends list to show in web page


    Hi Terry,


    We want to get messenger friend list to show into profile page. Following is the scenario.


    1) User will login into site.


    2) Click on My Account/profile page


    3) In profile page we have sections called ‘My Friends”. And this section is for displaying the list of fredidns added in the messenger of currently logged-in user, whose profile is currently displaying.


    4) We looked into database and find one table (“CuteChat4_User”) in which data is storing at the time of adding friends in messenger. It means we can get the values from this table to display in “My Friend” section in Profile page. But the data format stored in this table is not clear to us. It seems 2 fields (“UserId” and “BuildinContacts”) in this table are useful for this feature. A UserId field is storing Id of the user who is adding and a BuildinContacts field is for store the friend’s info/email/Id. Can you please clear the format of data/each element in “BuildinContacts” field, as we have following info value in this field?




    What are arr, S-2, 34 and 36 elements in above said values?




    A-1 Technology

  •  01-18-2008, 7:27 AM 36409 in reply to 36349

    Re: Get friends list to show in web page

    You can do something like this:
    CuteChat.ChatPortal portal=CuteChat.ChatSystem.Instance.GetCurrentPortal();
        CuteChat.ChatIdentity identity=new CuteChat.AppChatIdentity("nickname",false,"loginname","");
        CuteChat.IChatUserInfo[] contacts=portal.DataManager.GetContacts(identity);
        foreach(CuteChat.IChatUserInfo contact in contacts)
    Regards , Terry .
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