Why is FilesPath obsoleted?

Last post 10-15-2007, 9:44 AM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  10-15-2007, 5:30 AM 34282

    Why is FilesPath obsoleted?

    In version 6, the FilesPath property is obsolete and replaced with a key in appSettings. Why is this the case?
    I am evauating CuteEditor for redistribution in a commercial application. I do not want to use the default directory for CuteEditor files. However, I only want the appSettings section of the application's web.config file to include settings relevant to the application itself - I do not want it cluttered with configuration options for CuteEditor. CuteEditor is a control that is used by the application, and as such I should be able to configure it completely using its properties (it seems as though this would have been possible with the previous version of CuteEditor). Please let me know if this is possible - or if not, if it can be made possible in a fix release of CuteEditor.
    James Storer.
  •  10-15-2007, 9:44 AM 34293 in reply to 34282

    Re: Why is FilesPath obsoleted?

    We will make this property work in the future release. In the current version, This property is obsoleted. To specify the path to editor files, please add the following key to the appSettings in your web.config. <add key="CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath" value="~/Editor" />

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