Track Cursor position in editor window for custom pasteHTML

Last post 09-12-2007, 8:55 AM by gthelp. 0 replies.
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  •  09-12-2007, 8:55 AM 33491

    Track Cursor position in editor window for custom pasteHTML

    I had a custom treeview control on same page as my editor so when i clicked a treenode i wanted code to insert into the editor.  However, doing so the editor would lose the cursor position and insert at beginning of document.  I noticed a number of posts that wanted some similar function but all the code samples were spread across multiple posts.  Here is what i found works for me.  Definitely can be improved.
    First you need to create a editor reference, a rangeobject to hold selection range, and capture certain editor events in my case.

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    var editor1 = document.getElementById('<%=Editor1.ClientID%>');
    var rCursorRange = null;



    function CE_attachEvent()

    var editdoc=editor1.GetDocument();

    // attach Event - i want capture cursor position in editor on keystoke or mouseclick
    else if(editdoc.addEventListener)
    //my app is IE so included this for other browsers

    function CuteEditor_OnCommand(editor,command,ui,value)

    //anoying bug - when switch activetabs, it drops all events linked to editor, so need reattach
    //reattach the event here

    function storeTextRange()
    //here track the selection object into range varaible-  note that i am only interested in text ranges
    //you can handle control ranges by
    var editdoc=editor1.GetDocument();
    if (editdoc.selection.type != null)
    if (editdoc.selection.type.toLowerCase() != 'control')
    { rCursorRange = editdoc.selection.createRange().duplicate(); }
    At this point, and keyup or mouse event will save cusor insert position into rCursorRange object
    Now need javascript to insert at that point.

    function InsertDataField(value)


    var editdoc=editor1.GetDocument();
    if (value!=null)


    //make sure I insert code as HTML, not escaped value
    InsValue= value.replace(/&lt;/gi,

    //focus on editor before can insert into global textrange

    try {

    if (rCursorRange==null)
    // no Cursor saved yet, so default insert at begining document and set cursor reference
    editor1.PasteHTML(InsValue +
    rCursorRange = editdoc.selection.createRange().duplicate();
    else {
    //paste code and set cursor to end of insert
    rCursorRange.pasteHTML(InsValue +
    false); // set to true if you want to move cursor to begin;
    catch(err) {alert(err.description)}
    the only bug I have currently with this is when insert HTML table, untill you click on editor or interact with it, it will not show the table in normal mode.
    Hope this helps
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