I am experiencing problems when trying to customise the links drop down to show the links as provided by the example on your website, but it seems to totally ignore the "if else" and still uses the links from the common.config file.
This is the embeded editor code in add.aspx
<CE:Editor Id="ContentTextBox" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="700px" RemoveServerNamesFromUrl="true" EditorWysiwygModeCss="~/css/editsuite_editor.css" ConfigurationPath="~/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/clearchannel.config" BackColor="#D4EAFF" BorderColor="#666666" CustomCulture="en" ThemeType="Office2003_BlueTheme" ></CE:Editor>
This is the code in the page behind vb file which should rewrite the dropdown menu to show the 2 links below.
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
If Not ContentTextBox.ToolControls("LinkTree") Is Nothing Then
Dim tdd As CuteEditor.TreeDropDownList
Dim richitem As CuteEditor.RichListItem
tdd = DirectCast(ContentTextBox.ToolControls("LinkTree").Control, CuteEditor.TreeDropDownList)
Dim rootitem As CuteEditor.TreeListItem
rootitem = New CuteEditor.TreeListItem("Root")
rootitem.Selectable = False
rootitem.Items.Add("Asp.Net", "Asp.Net", "http:'asp.net")
rootitem.Items.Add("DotNetNuke.Net", "DotNetNuke.Net", "http:'DotNetNuke.com")
End If
End If