Multitiered proxied architecture relative path problem (how to generate a valid settingHash)

Last post 11-21-2006, 8:50 AM by Obi.One. 0 replies.
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  •  11-21-2006, 8:50 AM 24467

    Multitiered proxied architecture relative path problem (how to generate a valid settingHash)

    I am using the cuteEditor within a multitier architected infrastructure. It runs within a portel application called aqualogic and the portel server proxies all applications that run though it, including the cuteEditor. my problem is that the new cuteEditor uses relative paths when opening dialogs like the insertAnchor dialog, but because the path does not get proxied, the dialog will come back as page cannot be found. I can copy these dialog controls to the proxying server which then makes the page found, but then the dialogs give an error about the settingHash is invalid. My real question is what is the settingHash that gets sent as a querystring, and how can I go about generating a valid one.
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