Bullet Points - trouble with basic techniques

Last post 12-16-2005, 4:21 PM by Ahem. 2 replies.
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  •  12-15-2005, 11:13 PM 13951

    Bullet Points - trouble with basic techniques


    I've been using the product for about a year now and have had problems with the Bullet points. I was hoping v5.0 would correct the issue although when using the on-line demo I'm having the same problem. 

    If I have a simple list of items as shown below:

    This is my first bullet point item with a
    full description of text

    This is my second bullet point item with a
    full description of text

    This is my third bullet point item with a
    full description of text

    I'm trying to get a bullet point in front of each of these items but cannot do it without editing the HTML code. 
    Can you explain how this can be done?
  •  12-16-2005, 3:45 PM 13971 in reply to 13951

    Re: Bullet Points - trouble with basic techniques

    This is not an online Eidtor issue. It's about HTML List Rules.

    First let's make a test. 

    Type the following HTML code into your FrontPage: 


    Select the first line and click the order list.

    You will find out FrontPage has the same behavior as Cute Editor. 

    The <br> tag is a special HTML element, not a Block-level element like <div>, <p> 

    One of the general rules for what happens when you click on a list toolbar button:

    For selected paragraphs that are not list items, make each paragraph a list item. 

    It's a bit tricky when intervening <br> element. The users may want the editor automatically remove <br> elements; And also want the editor add a list item between each <br>...

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  •  12-16-2005, 4:21 PM 13975 in reply to 13971

    Re: Bullet Points - trouble with basic techniques

    Thank you for your comments.  Based on your comments what is the fix for this?  How do I tell my users what to do or can I make some modifications to the way CuteSoft handles HTML codes to resolve the issue?  Sorry if I missed the boat on your explanation...
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