If users enter a nickname longer than 12 characters, they get an exception along these lines:
System.Exception: Guest Name should not large then 12 characters
at CuteSoft.Chat.UserAdapter.CheckAnonymousName(String guestname)
at CuteSoft.Chat.ChatRaneService.a()
at CuteSoft.Chat.Rane.RaneContext.a()
at CuteSoft.Chat.Rane.RaneContext.d()
at at.a(HttpContext A_0, y A_1)
I have two questions related to this:
1. Is it possible to increase the 12-character limit to something like 25 or 30?
2. Why does the NickNameRestriction message in the en-us.xml file say that the maximum nickname length is 20 characters when it is, in fact, 12?