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  • Re: Show typing indicator broken?

    I just tried the workaround in CuteChat v5, in fact have deleted that from every XML skin file, but the typing indicator still runs... &nbsp;It seems that the ''Show typing indicator'' UI customisation option is still broken, even in version 5 (two years after the original post)? &nbsp;Is there a workaround that works?
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by lovelost on May 8, 2009
  • Re: Possible to prevent pasting images in chat?

    (bump) Can anyone shed any light on this issue?&#160; Basically, at least in IE, it's possible to cut-and-paste images from other websites.&#160; There needs to be a way to stop this, otherwise we can't use the chat system in a public environment (because of the capability of simply inserting offensive images from anywhere). Any ideas?
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by lovelost on September 28, 2007