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  • Re: floatingtoolbar inside scrolling panel or div

    One (actually preferred) solution to this problem would be if the floating toolbars could all be positioned at the same location OUTSIDE of the scrolling region.&nbsp; Is this doable, and if so, would you provide example code?&nbsp; This would effectively provide a ''shared toolbar'' experience for the end user.&nbsp;Thanks again!
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Quidnunc on November 4, 2011
  • floatingtoolbar inside scrolling panel or div

    If I use ''floatingtoolbar = true'' for an editor INSIDE A SCROLLING ASP:PANEL (or within a DIV with overflow = ''scroll''), everything works fine unless I scroll the panel.&nbsp; Then the toolbar retains its position relative to the page, and not to the edit box (which scrolls with the panel).&nbsp; Is there fix for this?&nbsp;I should mention ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Quidnunc on October 26, 2011