How can I set the default link color?

Last post 01-12-2011, 11:34 AM by Eric. 1 replies.
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  •  01-12-2011, 8:27 AM 65692

    How can I set the default link color?

       Hi.  I would like to set the default link color to blue. By default, I mean the color property of unvisited and active links. Right now, each time my customer uses the link icon to insert a link, the link shows up as white.  When I click on the link icon, the color property is not set, and if I forget to set it in the dialog box, the link, when inserted into the page, is always white. There is a style section in the template we are using that addresses link color, but it tied to a specific class we created:
    .smnavigation a,a:visited,a:active{
    .smnavigation a:hover{
    The link we are inserting are not assigned to a class, so shouldn't they show up in blue (standard link color) if no class or styleis applied to them?
  •  01-12-2011, 11:34 AM 65694 in reply to 65692

    Re: How can I set the default link color?

    Dear code4food,
    You can create one file called "php.css", and put the hyperlink style in this file.
                $editor=new CuteEditor();
                $editor->Text="Type here";
                $editor->EditorBodyStyle="font:normal 12px arial;";
                //use $_POST["Editor1"]to retrieve the data

    a:link {
     color: #0033cc; text-decoration: underline
    a:visited {
     color: #0033cc; text-decoration: underline
    a:active {
     color: #0033cc; text-decoration: underline
    a:hover {
     color: #0000cc; text-decoration: none

    Please check whether this works fine on your end.
    Thank you for asking
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