Web messenger questions (online users list and a firefox bug)

Last post 02-28-2009, 1:10 AM by cutechat. 6 replies.
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  •  02-15-2009, 5:01 AM 48804

    Web messenger questions (online users list and a firefox bug)

    I'm trying to integrate the Webmessenger product through the SnitzForum package.
    This is a custom-made community with Snitz Forums. Everything is ASP (not .net)
    [Requirement: Who's Online in ASP]
    1) I need to show (in ASP) a list of every online user (with the Cutesoft WebMessenger opened) so they can be contacted in that moment through webmessenger. To create this "who's online list" I need to know where in the database to check for this? 
    [Found bug]
    2) When using the pop-up messenger (not the embeded "newmessenger") with Firefox, I cannot close a chat conversation clicking on the "X". There's no way to click it (this works perfect with IE).
    Please help me with this two issues. We're testing the webmessenger with a trial license which expires at the end of this month.
    We would like everything working fine before buying the commercial license.

  •  02-16-2009, 12:12 PM 48871 in reply to 48804

    Re: Web messenger questions (online users list and a firefox bug)

    Please, any help on these?
  •  02-23-2009, 3:18 PM 49131 in reply to 48804

    Re: Web messenger questions (online users list and a firefox bug)

    [Found bug]
    2) When using the pop-up messenger (not the embeded "newmessenger") with Firefox, I cannot close a chat conversation clicking on the "X". There's no way to click it (this works perfect with IE).
    I can confirm this bug and will fix it in the coming new version.

    asp.net Chat http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Chat/default.aspx
    Web Messenger: http://cutesoft.net/Web-Messenger/default.aspx
    asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
    asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
    asp.net Image Gallery: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Image+Gallery/default.aspx
    Live Support: http://cutesoft.net/live-support/default.aspx

  •  02-23-2009, 3:32 PM 49136 in reply to 49131

    Re: Web messenger questions (online users list and a firefox bug)

    Do you have some clue for me about point 1 please??
  •  02-23-2009, 10:33 PM 49146 in reply to 49136

    Re: Web messenger questions (online users list and a firefox bug)

    For the 1 , the best way is to generate the javascript data by asp.net.
    for example:
    CuteChat.ChatPlaceUser[] users=new CuteChat.ChatPlaceUser[0];
    CuteChat.ChatPortal portal=CuteChat.AppSystem.Instance.GetCurrentPortal();
    var onlinelist=[
    foreach(CuteChat.ChatPlaceUser user in users)
    { uid:'<%=user.Identity.UniqueId%>'
  •  02-24-2009, 3:07 AM 49151 in reply to 49146

    Re: Web messenger questions (online users list and a firefox bug)

    Thankyou very much Terry:
    What does the user status "PARTIAL" mean related to a webmessenger user?
  •  02-28-2009, 1:10 AM 49352 in reply to 49151

    Re: Web messenger questions (online users list and a firefox bug)

    PARTIAL means the user did not open the messenger , but in his page, he can receieve messages.
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