Cute Editor As Standalone

Last post 10-17-2007, 5:41 PM by Capper. 2 replies.
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  •  10-17-2007, 8:26 AM 34368

    Cute Editor As Standalone

    I've switched CMS programs, and until my current CMS implements Cute Editor, I'd like to use it as a standalone application. Is the following possible?

    Have Cute Editor accessible by a link through a browser, save the files in some way so they can be transferred to the editor built into  the integrated CMS (crappy devedit).

    It may sound like a silly idea, but for anyone thats used both, I'm sure they've come to the same conclusion as me, that cute editor is far superior and generates much cleaner code. We also have a problem with our current editor logging the writers out after 15-20 minutes....which has meant lots of lost content and work.....I'm hoping there is also a way to adjust the time before Cute Editor logs people out.

    I've read the documentation, and to be honest, I'm not a coding expert, so I don't know if what I want to do is possible......if it is, can you break it down into laymans terms? The deployment document is not really for the average user.

    So, in conclusion, what I want to do:

    1. Install Cute Editor on my server as a stand alone application
    2. Have Cute Editor available via a web link so writers can access it through the browser and write their articles.
    3. Have cute Editor save the articles to a file on the server, so that work can be transferred to the CMS
    4. Adjust the time until Cute Editor automatically logs out users.

    Thanks for your time and help

  •  10-17-2007, 10:49 AM 34389 in reply to 34368

    Re: Cute Editor As Standalone

    It's possible. But it also need program knowledge to do that.
    >>2. Have Cute Editor available via a web link so writers can access it through the browser and write their articles.
    I don't suggest you do this directly. If a hacker know this link, you are in huge trouble.
    >>3. Have cute Editor save the articles to a file on the server, so that work can be transferred to the CMS
    It's better just let the editor write/read the content to your CMS.
    >>4. Adjust the time until Cute Editor automatically logs out users.
    Cute Editor doesn't use sesssion. It doesn't have the code to auto log out your users. I suggest you check the existing code.
    In general, I suggest you don't go to this direction unless you know the security and programming.
    It's better to just integate Cute Editor with your own CMS directly.
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  •  10-17-2007, 5:41 PM 34402 in reply to 34389

    Re: Cute Editor As Standalone

    hmmmm, I need to figure something out, PHPCOW uses PHP 4 and I've talk ed to their programmers and they told me they will be switching to cute Editor at the beginning of the year, but to integrate it now is impossible.
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