Move existing buttons into a toolbar?

Last post 09-25-2006, 9:48 AM by rcm. 2 replies.
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  •  03-06-2006, 7:39 PM 16768

    Move existing buttons into a toolbar?

    I have a requirement to move all of the form controls from the toolbar to a dropdown.  For example I need a dropdown that will list 'Insert Form', 'Insert Text Area' etc. 
    Is it possible for me to hook the existing button controls for this so I could use the images and associated commands?  I would still like it to open the properties windows when appropriate as well.
  •  03-06-2006, 11:47 PM 16775 in reply to 16768

    Re: Move existing buttons into a toolbar?

    Nevermind, I got it.  For anyone who may be intrested, I achieved this by making the following modification to my common.config file:
          <item text="Insert Form" value="insertform">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\Form.gif' /> Insert Form]]></html>
          <item text="Insert Textbox" value="inserttextbox">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\textarea.gif' /> Insert Text Area]]></html>
          <item text="Insert Listbox" value="insertlistbox">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\listbox.gif' /> Insert ListBox]]></html>
          <item text ="Insert Dropdown" value="insertdropdown">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\dropdownbox.gif' /> Insert Dropdown]]></html>
          <item text="Insert Radio Button" value="insertradiobox">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\optionbutton.gif' /> Insert Radiobox]]></html>
          <item text="Insert Checkbox" value="insertcheckbox">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\checkbox.gif' /> Insert Checkbox]]></html>
          <item text="Inser Text field" value="insertinputtext">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\textbox.gif' /> Insert Text field]]></html>
          <item text="Insert Image" value="insertinputimage">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\image.gif' /> Insert Image]]></html>
          <item text="Insert Submit" value="insertinputsubmit">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\submit.gif' /> Insert Button]]></html>
          <item text="Insert Password field" value="insertinputpassword">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\passwordfield.gif' /> Insert Password field]]></html>
          <item text="Insert Hidden Field" value="insertinputhidden">
            <html><![CDATA[<img border=0 align='absMiddle' src='\Cutesoft\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\Images\hiddenfield.gif' /> Insert Hidden field]]></html>
    And I added a javascript event to the change event of the dropdown which calls Editor.ExecCommand on the selectedValue.
    Works like a champ.
  •  09-25-2006, 9:48 AM 23034 in reply to 16775

    Re: Move existing buttons into a toolbar?

    help me in inserting a command button in toolbar which call  instertemplate dailog page
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