Writing to a UNC path with the uploading tools

Last post 08-19-2004, 5:27 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  08-19-2004, 4:48 PM 1564

    Writing to a UNC path with the uploading tools

    Hi. I am planning to integrate this product into several applications that we have. For our environment, I need to write any images or other types of files that are uploaded to another machine so they can be replicated properly accross our web cluster. I then need to manipulate the path that the upload tool sends back to the editor. I am using a domain account to run the application so the authentication isn't an issue for me. Is there an easy way for me to do this through configuration?

  •  08-19-2004, 5:27 PM 1565 in reply to 1564

    Re: Writing to a UNC path with the uploading tools

    Please follow the below instructions:

    Step 1: Create a domain account which has the write permission to your UNC share

            Username: yourdomain/admin


    To access resources on a UNC, your application must run under a domain enabled primary secuirty token, the easiest way to do this is to use impersonation in your web config:






    where the user name is a domain account with permission to the resouce. all users of

    your web site will have the same access permissions to the network resource.

    Step 2: create a virtual directory on your Web server and point it to your UNC share folder.


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