Problem with color definitions in CSS included in head-tag

Last post 02-01-2006, 7:36 AM by Adam. 4 replies.
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  •  01-31-2006, 2:55 PM 15400

    Problem with color definitions in CSS included in head-tag

    Just discovered that my templates with css-styles included in the head are not handled properly.
    F.ex - if I have defined two styles like this:
    .color1 {
        color: #004455;
    .color2 {
        color: #ffffff;
    color1 is saved like #04455 (stripping one 0).
    color2 is saved properly.
    Another save makes color1 save like #4455; (stripping another 0)
    Sometimes color1 is saved like #O4455; (note the O-letter as in Oh, instead of 0 (null)).
    It looks like it is not handling prepending #0's. I have set the following settings (amongst others), but it doesn't make any difference:

    .EncodeHiddenValue = False
    .UseHTMLEntities = False
    .UseSimpleAmpersand = True

    Is there a fix for this?
  •  01-31-2006, 3:04 PM 15402 in reply to 15400

    Re: Problem with color definitions in CSS included in head-tag

    I can't reproduce the problem in the following link:

    Can you tell me which version of CuteEditor you are using?

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  •  02-01-2006, 3:47 AM 15419 in reply to 15402

    Re: Problem with color definitions in CSS included in head-tag

    Hi Adam, I was using version 5. I just noticed that v. 5.2 was out. Gonna try to install that one.
    I also pasted my code from the template into your demobox. Seem to work fine there..  But let me try the new update.
  •  02-01-2006, 7:33 AM 15425 in reply to 15419

    Re: Problem with color definitions in CSS included in head-tag

    Ok, now I have updated to version 5.2, but the problem is still there :(

    Here are my other settings:

                With txtEditor
                    .EditCompleteDocument = True
                    .BreakElement = CuteEditor.BreakElement.Br
                    .DisableAutoFormatting = True
                    .RemoveServerNamesFromUrl = False
                    .PrintFullWebPage = True
                    .EncodeHiddenValue = False
                    .EditorWysiwygModeCss = "inside_main.css"
                    .AllowPasteHtml = True
                    .RemoveTBODYTag = True
                    .UseHTMLEntities = False
                    .UseSimpleAmpersand = True
                    .AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.AutoConfigure.Full
                End With
    To test further and to eliminate the process writing to database, I outputtet the content of the editor directly into a webpage.

    lblTEST.text = txtEditor.Text (the latter beeing cute-editor, the first beeing a Label-control in .Net)

    The problem is showing in the content of the label as well.

    Could there be some of my settings above that is doing this or could there be encoding problems etc.?
  •  02-01-2006, 7:36 AM 15426 in reply to 15425

    Re: Problem with color definitions in CSS included in head-tag

    Please make sure you replace all the CuteEditor client files when upgrading.
    And also clear your browser cache and try again.
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