Insert Image Window Doesn't Fit for Numerous Clients

Last post 02-05-2006, 6:24 AM by fshgtz62. 4 replies.
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  •  01-20-2006, 2:28 PM 14968

    Insert Image Window Doesn't Fit for Numerous Clients

    We'll I can't believe people still run 800x600.  But I've lost several clients using our CMS that is based upon this Cute Soft editor.  We licensed it in July and I sure would like to have a new version, or a fix so that clients can insert images without having to place cursor focus in the upload field and then tab three times to put focus on the insert button -they can't see.
  •  01-21-2006, 2:56 PM 14993 in reply to 14982

    Re: Send screenshot to

    Yeah, sure version 5 you can see the whole thing.  But clients who've been complaining since the day this was implemented are going to chew real hard and make it a tough pill to swallow to move to something where by the usability just wasn't there in the first place.  Its diificult for me to try to sell clients on moving up with confidence when a basic function such as iserting a graphic didn't consider that people need to see the insert button in order to do so.  Now I see in the version 5 demo that little details like the Outdent graphic remain one pixel off, the Proper case being improper on tool tips, etc.  We'll be purchasing our server licence upgrade on Monday to version 5 - but I sure hope that these details and especially significant things like the "insert" button actually being on the screen are taken care of.  In this later case I know this example is addressed, just hope the rest of significant items are too.  Or are you going to release another "major" version upgrade in 6 months that resolves core incompetencies and charge another $100 for such?  Your version 5 should be a version 4 minor version upgrade - not an exploit to correct what should have been an accountability concern!
  •  02-05-2006, 6:24 AM 15597 in reply to 14982

    Re: Send screenshot to

     Karen wrote:
    Can I see what you see? I just set my monitor to 800x600 and try online demo 5.x, I can see
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