Re: Serious help with deployment needed

  •  07-26-2005, 3:31 PM

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    Can you write a page in asp vbscript that will retrieve a recordset from a database and place it into a form and then write it back to the database with a submit function?  (Macromedia Dreamweaver writes this in a few clicks of a mouse.)

    If so, I think I can give you the code you need. Adam has some examples of entering information into a database in the samples, but what I am doing is actually retrieving the html content from the db table cells, editing the content if needed and then writing it back into the same cells again. If this sounds like what you want to do, let me know. However, my code is written around the Macromedia server behaviors which are based on vbscript.
    In my site there are two pages, one which "edits" the content and one that "displays" the stored recordset on the page in html code.
    If this sounds like what you want to do, let me know. However, my code is written around the Macromedia server behaviors which are in vbscript.
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