Properties box takes a really long time to load

  •  08-31-2006, 5:16 PM

    Properties box takes a really long time to load

    This post is concerning the propteties dialog box, the one that opens when you highlight some text and hit the "link" button.  For some reason, this dialog box takes a really long time to load.  It typically takes the longest the first time that somebody opens it in a given session.  My guess is that after that, it gets cached somehow.
    This is a problem, because the delay is really, really long - long enough for a user to think that something was wrong and that their browser crashed or something.  Is there a fix for this?
    Also, I should mention that I only use the properties dialog for setting the URL property of hyperlinks.  I've hidden all the other buttons that bring up the dialog.  I've modified my tag.config so that it doesn't show the "common" or "style builder" tabs.  I've also modified my dialogs/tag/gecko_tag_a.ascx, my dialogs/tag_a.ascx, and my dialogs/safari_tag_a.ascx files so that the only property that shows up for hyperlinks is the URL. 
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