how to interact with the uploaded files table

Last post 09-29-2009, 9:36 AM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  09-28-2009, 2:30 AM 55908

    how to interact with the uploaded files table

    After a file is successfully uploaded, there is a HTML table shown on screen with the name of the file and a green mark to show it was uploaded. 

    I would like to :
    update this table BEFORE the OnFileUploaded event is fired, so I guess I should use CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnPostback. 
    Problem :
    How do I find in this event, the name of the file that the postback is for ? If there are multiple files, there will be multiple postbacks and therefore I don't know which row in the table I should update. Do I have to keep track of that myself ? 
  •  09-29-2009, 9:36 AM 55933 in reply to 55908

    Re: how to interact with the uploaded files table

    The order is this :
    1 - item change status to 'green mark'
    2 - postback event fired
    3 - server side OnFileUploaded fire for each file.
    Please check this sample for the table :
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