Invalid object name CuteChatConfig

Last post 06-12-2006, 11:06 PM by Adam. 9 replies.
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  •  06-11-2006, 10:48 PM 20007

    Invalid object name CuteChatConfig

    I download integrationpackage. I want to use CuteChat with my existing membership datbase. But when I do everything on help document show. Run my application and it complain. "Invalid object name CuteChatConfig. But I can not find this file in CuteSoft and in integration package or CutePortal and NukeChat4. I searched on CuteSoft but I don't see you told about this file. Please tell me why. Help document make me confuse.
  •  06-11-2006, 11:03 PM 20008 in reply to 20007

    Re: Invalid object name CuteChatConfig

    Have you run the following step?

    Step 1: Install the Cute Chat database

    Open your client copy of SQL Server Query Analyzer from within Enterprise Manager. Once you have successfully connected to your SQL Server or MSDE database within query analyzer or other query tool, open and execute the following SQL files: 

          SQLScripts\cutechat3.sql Chat
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
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  •  06-12-2006, 12:17 AM 20009 in reply to 20008

    Re: Invalid object name CuteChatConfig

    Hello Adam,
    You mean SQL Scripts\cutechat3.sql. But I don't see SQL scripts into integration package that I downloaded. Where can I download this file. And I just run on sql server or I have to run it into my existing membership database. Please help me, I'm in hurry. Thanks.
  •  06-12-2006, 12:21 AM 20010 in reply to 20009

    Re: Invalid object name CuteChatConfig

  •  06-12-2006, 12:24 AM 20011 in reply to 20010

    Re: Invalid object name CuteChatConfig

    I receive file that you sent me. I have to run this file on my existing membership database. Is it right? Thanks
  •  06-12-2006, 12:31 AM 20012 in reply to 20011

    Re: Invalid object name CuteChatConfig

  •  06-12-2006, 12:43 AM 20013 in reply to 20012

    global_asax do not implement IHttpApplicationDataProvider

    Now it run but when I login with my existing membership database. It complain like that.
    global_asax do not implement IHttpApplicationDataProvider. Now what I should do.
  •  06-12-2006, 12:49 AM 20014 in reply to 20013

    Re: global_asax do not implement IHttpApplicationDataProvider

  •  06-12-2006, 12:56 AM 20015 in reply to 20014

    Re: global_asax do not implement IHttpApplicationDataProvider

    I just copy from cs folder on integration package

    <%@ Application Language="C#" %>

    <%@ Import Namespace="CuteSoft.Chat" %>

    <%@ Implements Interface="CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationConnectionStringProvider" %>

    <%@ Implements Interface="CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationUserAdapter" %>

    <%@ Implements Interface="CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationDataProvider" %>

    <%@ Implements Interface="CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationSupportLogin" %>

    <script RunAt="server" Language="C#">


    #region IHttpApplicationConnectionStringProvider Members

    //Step 1: Let CuteChat know your databse connection string

    public string GetConnectionString(CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity user)


    // EXAMPLE:

    return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];

    //return "NOT IMPLEMENTED";




    #region IHttpApplicationUserAdapter Members

    //Step 2: Let CuteChat know who has logged in the website

    public string GetUserUniqueName()


    // EXAMPLE:

    if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)

    return Context.User.Identity.Name;

    return null;

    //return "NOT IMPLEMENTED";


    public CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity GetUserIdentity()


    string uniquename = GetUserUniqueName();

    if (uniquename == null)


    return CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity.CreateNull();


    CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity identity = new CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity(uniquename, null, Request.UserHostAddress);

    return identity;



    #region IHttpApplicationDataProvider Members

    //Step 3: Let CuteChat know your membership database information


    //Check the user is an administrator or not.

    public bool IsAdministrator(string useruniquename)


    // EXAMPLE:

    return CommunityServer.Users.FindUserByUsername(useruniquename).IsAdministrator;

    //return "NOT IMPLEMENTED";


    //Return user's display name

    public string GetUserDisplayName(string useruniquename)


    // EXAMPLE:

    if (!Context.Request.IsAuthenticated)

    return null;

    return Context.User.Identity.Name;

    //return "NOT IMPLEMENTED";


    //Retrieves all the user's unique names in the database.

    public string[] ListUserUniqueName()


    // EXAMPLE:

    CommunityServer.UserQuery query = new CommunityServer.UserQuery();

    CommunityServer.Components.UserSet userset = CommunityServer.Users.GetUsers(query, true);

    ArrayList names = new ArrayList();

    foreach (CommunityServer.Components.User user in userset.Users)


    if (user.IsAnonymous) continue;




    return (string[])names.ToArray(typeof(string));

    //return "NOT IMPLEMENTED";


    //Return an array of user names containing the input string.

    public string[] SearchUserUniqueNameByDisplayName(string userDisplaName)


    // EXAMPLE:

    //CommunityServer.UserQuery query = new CommunityServer.UserQuery();

    //query.SearchText = userDisplaName;

    //query.IncludeHiddenUsers = true;

    //query.SearchUsername = true;//there's no SearchDisplayName ?

    //CommunityServer.Components.UserSet userset = CommunityServer.Users.GetUsers(query, true);

    //ArrayList names = new ArrayList();

    //foreach (CommunityServer.Components.User user in userset.Users)


    // if (user.IsAnonymous) continue;


    // names.Add(user.Username);


    //return (string[])names.ToArray(typeof(string));

    //return "NOT IMPLEMENTED";


    if (userDisplaName == null || userDisplaName == "") return new string[0];

    userDisplaName = userDisplaName.ToLower();

    AdminDB admin = new AdminDB();

    SqlDataReader reader = admin.GetUsers();

    ArrayList names = new ArrayList();

    while (reader.Read())




    string val = reader.GetString(1);

    if (val.ToLower().IndexOf(userDisplaName) != -1)



    catch { }


    return (string[])names.ToArray(typeof(string));


    //Check the user is a lobby admin or not (only for integrated room).

    public bool IsLobbyAdmin(string useruniquename, CuteSoft.Chat.CuteChatLobby lobby)


    // EXAMPLE:

    if (lobby.Integration == null) return false;


    CommunityServer.Components.User user=CommunityServer.Users.FindUserByUsername(useruniquename);


    return false;


    if (lobby.Integration.StartsWith("Forum:"))


    int forumid = int.Parse(lobby.Integration.Substring(6));

    CommunityServer.Discussions.Components.Forum forum = CommunityServer.Discussions.Components.Forums.GetForum(forumid);

    if (forum == null)


    return false;


    return CommunityServer.Components.Permissions.ValidatePermissions(forum

    , CommunityServer.Components.Permission.Administer

    , user);


    return false;

    //return "NOT IMPLEMENTED";



    #region IHttpApplicationSupportLogin Members

    //Step 4: Let CuteChat know your membership database information

    //Check the user is an operator or not (only for live support).

    public bool SupportLogin(string username, string password)


    // EXAMPLE:

    if (username == null) return false;

    username = username.Trim();

    if (username == "") return false;

    if (password == null) return false;

    ////IMPORTANT: if the user is not the operator, do not return true;

    ////use the CuteChat API to check it

    if (CuteSoft.Chat.ChatApi.FindOperator(username) == null)

    return false;

    ////does the user exist?

    CommunityServer.Components.User user = CommunityServer.Users.FindUserByUsername(username);


    if (user == null)

    return false;

    ////use CommunityServer API to validate the user

    user = new CommunityServer.Components.User();

    user.Username = username;

    user.Password = password;

    CommunityServer.Components.LoginUserStatus status = CommunityServer.Users.ValidUser(user);




    return false;



    ////FORM-Authentication ,

    System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.Username, false, "/");

    return true;

    //return "NOT IMPLEMENTED";



    // Fire when the conversation start

    public void SupportInit()


    //no auto login.




  •  06-12-2006, 11:06 PM 20052 in reply to 20015

    Re: global_asax do not implement IHttpApplicationDataProvider

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