Version 4 and Firefox 1.0.4

Last post 06-16-2005, 3:52 PM by HalRau. 0 replies.
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  •  06-16-2005, 3:52 PM 7695

    Version 4 and Firefox 1.0.4

    I am testing my pages on FireFox and have found some interesting issues.
    1. When I try to paste content into a text area using the paste button, I get the following error message on both my page and your demo page.
    When I try to go to the page indicated, I get a page cannot be found error.
    Also, the toolbars are different in FireFox then IE-6 on both my page and your demo page. Both "PasteWord" and "PasteText" are removed in FireFox.
    I am using multiple editors on a page bringing data from a SQLServer database into my page. Everything works fine in IE-6 but in FireFox only the first editor on the page will allow me to edit any content. In some of the other areas the html is not rendered correctly or not at all.
    Here is the sample code for each Editor.
    content = (Recordset1.Fields.Item("Chan_three_Content").Value)
    if isNull(content) or IsEmpty(content) or len(trim(content))= 0 then
     content = " "
    end if  
              Set editor = New CuteEditor
              editor.ID = "Chan3Editor"
              editor.Text = content
              editor.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
              editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/uploads/Districts/" & DId& "/img/"
              editor.MaxImageSize = 50
              editor.template = "g_start,Paste,PasteWord,InsertImage,InsertLink,Unlink,Bold,Italic,Underline,forecolor,InsertParagraph,CleanCode,g_end,linebreak,g_start,JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull,InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList,Indent,Superscript,InsertDate,Spell,Help,g_end"
              editor.HelpUrl = "editorhelp.htm"
              editor.Width = 200
              editor.Height = 250
              editor.BreakElement = "BR"
    The EditorID is changed on each channel (text area).
    By the way, how do I get the "Uploading" status popup to use on Version 4?
    Thanks for your help.
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