
You searched for the word(s): Toolbar
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  • Re: New Drop Down list box over toolbar?

    Hi Adam,   My Question is different:   I have my dropdownList1 , this is from   System.Web.UI.WebControls from, my DropdownList1 is databind one,   when click any custom button, can i able to place total dropdownlist1 over the CutoEdtior, and i can choose any value?but JavaScript API is different...  ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by anbaz on September 21, 2005
  • Can I add a label to the toolbar?

    I've got two editors on a page.  I'd like to put a label in the toolbar on the left, and position a custom toolbar on the right.  It would be nice to do it from code-behind.  I'm using the following configuration file. Cheers, Jeff   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jagilbert27 on November 29, 2012
  • Editor destroys text when Google Toolbar Translation is on.

    Hey,   We use this editor for our CMS system.   When a user has the google toolbar installed, and translation is 'on' the following problem happens.   The user types his tekst the normal way in the editor,   Then when you save it, your tekst is destroyed and looks simular to this: (this also happens on the demo on ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by pbwbart on December 16, 2009
  • changing image for a toolbar button

    I would like to change the image of an existing toolbar button for example the B for Bodl into the german version F what means ''fett''. I replaced the image bold.gif in the directory CuteEditor\Themes\[selected Theme]\images but that does not work. I also tried to replace the images bold.gif in the other themes directories and in the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mbr on February 5, 2009
  • Edit link for 'Insert Template' in the toolbar?

    I have all me editor files in a subfolder of my admin site (folder is called 'editor').  All is working great, but I've run into one issue.  When I click the 'Insert Templates' link in the toolbar, it tries to load that page (templates.aspx) from the root of my admin site rather than in its actual location ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Daniel83 on October 27, 2008
  • Multiple editors, one toolbar.

    I have a scenario where I want to present an input form to a user with multiple rich edit areas.  There could be any number of these rich edit areas; the input form is generated.  I want to be able to present these edit areas without the toolbar directly above each editor but with a single toolbar at the top of the page that affects ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by matthewcv on June 25, 2008
  • Browser Compatibility: Cut and Paste Toolbar Icons do not function correctly in FF

    The problems occur on Firefox with the following tool bar buttons: 1) Functionality bug:  “Cut” toolbar button deletes the text I cut, and does not make a copy of cut contents in buffer.  (Neither CTRL-V or Paste button cause cut text to reappear.)   2) Cosmetic bug: “Paste” toolbar button provides ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by wzs5011 on November 1, 2007
  • Re: Adding a custom label to the toolbar and focus stealing problem

     Pintod wrote: Any Fix found for this??Hi Adam :We have the requirement of adding custom label to the toolbar. The intention is to show the character count in the toolbar. The following are the changes I did but it didn't seem to work and render the label on runtime. We are using version 5.0. We have a custom config file like this:<?xml ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Pintod on November 3, 2005
  • Re: Citrix environment - Toolbar buttons and content are not displayed

    Hi Adrian,   Please come to LiveSupport at , click on the big blue button on top that reads ''online''. We are here Monday - Friday between 9:30am and 17:30pm Eastern Standard Time. I will send you gotomeeting link, you can share your desktop and demo this issue to me.   If desktop sharing is not available for ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Eric on June 16, 2011
  • Re: toolbar not loaded in mozilla

    Hi webukraine,   I tested the code you provide, it works fine for me on Firefox and google chrome.   Can you upgrade to the latest version and try again?   Latest version download   If you still get the same issue with latest version. Please set up ftp access ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on June 27, 2010
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