
You searched for the word(s): silverlight
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  • After uploading 500 Internal server error

    Hi, i'm trying your dll but with my 3th time i've got a 500 Internal Server Error. The first and second tests were ok but this not. i'm adding the dll on a real project Aspx Net Framework 2.0 Visual Studio 2010 and i'm developing on my machine. After uploading i've got on tempdir all files with uploading. prefix and the error ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by davraf on October 27, 2010
  • Re: Uploader not working for all users

    Nhuda, Can you explain your issue on detial? What do you mean does not work? Click the upload button nothing happen? Or get error after seleced the files to upload? If you get any error, please show me the full error message. Maybe you can try upgrade you Silverlight/flash control to the latest version and try again. Keep ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Kenneth on April 14, 2011
  • Re: Upload error message "File size (undefined B) is to large. The maximum file size allowed is set to: 10.00MB."

    Eric, Thanks... you are correct that I have limited the file upload size... but I really need the upload limitation.  I'm just concerned about the actual text of the error message... the ''(undefined B)'' portion will just cause confusion with users. This error message problem seems to only happen when using the browser standard upload ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by rmacfadyen on February 11, 2011
  • Re: "upload multiple files" button is not working in Mozilla 3.6.4

    Hi Kenneth           Thank you so much.... It is working fine. With out silver light also it is working fine in other PC(Mozilla 3.6.4). But in my PC it's working after silver light upgradation only. May i know why this happened  as well as the relationship between Silverlight and Ajaxuploader and Mozilla ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by devteam on June 30, 2010
  • Re: Customization of flash layer drowed out insertbutton control.

    Not so full.... For example this code:function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnMantleButton(btn,div)  {   div.onmouseover=function()   {''#444444''; = ''pointer''''underline'';   }   div.onmouseout=function()   ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by creck_ua on October 5, 2009
  • Re: Upload button does not work after first postback.

    I can't seem to reproduce this using a sample page and the page that I have is probably a bit big to post here. However, I have a new clue. When the page first loads, if I right click on the upload button, it says silverlight. However, after the postback, it no longer says silverlight.
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Chris928 on July 18, 2012
  • Re: Error: Uploader not moving from 0% with some files (on some PCs)

    Hello... any answer........?Please, we need help... :( By the way, I update you about the situation: yesterday we managed to solve the issue of the italian user by ourselves. The problem was Microsoft Silverlight... that user didn't have it installed on her PC with IE. As soon as she installed and enabled it, she managed to upload files and the ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Tux on March 30, 2012
  • Re: Upload button does not open

    I have this issue where the Upload button appears, but when clicked, it becomes grayed out and noting happens -- with IE7.  It does work perfectly fine, as-is, however with Firefox 3.0.  I am using the multiple-files-upload.aspx example...   I was able to resolve the issue by making the following change:   To the following ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Jeffl1932 on May 10, 2009
  • "Common_MethodFailed" error on "Browse" click

       Hello, I have a client who is using a Mac with Google Chrome and is experiencing the following error when she clicks on ''Browse''    I had her go to http://ajaxupload/demo/fulltext.aspx and every option worked successfully with the exception of the SilverLight option which experienced the same error.
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Anonymous on August 13, 2010
  • Re: Problems with dialogfilter in Chrome and firefox

    Hi AlexisMC, The filter only work with silverlight and flash upload mode. In IFrame mode, the user still can see all the file types, but once you select the file, the control will tell you do not allow to upload it. Regards, Ken 
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Kenneth on February 10, 2012
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