CuteEditor for ASP 6.6 Class Library

Editor.ThemeType Property

Sets the theme for how the toolbar is draw. You can create your custom skin or choose from predefined themes: Custom / Office2000 / OfficeXP / Office2003 / Office2003_BlueTheme

Example Code

           Dim editor
           Set editor = New CuteEditor
           editor.ID = "Editor1"
           'Determines how the toolbars and its buttons and dropdownlists are displayed .
           editor.ThemeType = "OfficeXP"
           editor.Text = "Hello World"


Member Name Description
Office2007 Sets images, borders and backcolors to Office 2007 style
Office2003 Sets images, borders and backcolors to Office 2003 style
OfficeXP Sets images, borders and backcolors to Office XP style
Office2003Blue Sets images, borders and backcolors to Office 2003 style (Blue theme)

See Also

Editor Class | CuteEditor Namespace