The StripTagOption type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public field StripIframeTags
Specifies whether to remove inject Iframe tags before writing the string into the db. When this property is set to true (the default) Cute Editor strips all iframe tags from the html to prevent iframe injection attack.
Public field StripLinkTags
Specifies whether to remove <link> tags which contain malicious, client-side executable code before writing the string into the db. When this property is set to true (the default) Cute Editor strips all <link> tags which contain malicious, client-side executable code from the html to prevent link tag injection attack.
Public field StripScriptTags
Specifies whether to remove inject script before writing the string into the db. When this property is set to true (the default) Cute Editor strips all script elements and script contents from the html.
Public field StripStyleTags
Specifies whether to remove inject <Style> tags which contain malicious, client-side executable code before writing the string into the db. When this property is set to true (the default) Cute Editor strips all <Style> tags which contain malicious, client-side executable code from the html to prevent link tag injection attack.

See Also