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  • Re: Persists Uploader Control

    Aha, the Persist version has a property ''File'' where the uploaded attachment can be accessed later...&nbsp;This took quite a bit of digging to find, just FYI&nbsp;If it was shown in the persist demo it would have been really helpful... as it is, its pretty useless as a demonstration&nbsp;Great control otherwise&nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Joebloggs on April 8, 2010
  • Persists Uploader Control

    Hi &nbsp; I'm working on some composite web controls for a dynamic form engine. &nbsp; I have a question on the usage of the persists upload control. The demo doesn't really demonstrate the purpose if you look at the code. &nbsp; In the demo;you have created a button which just ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Joebloggs on April 8, 2010