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  • Wishlist for common.config file

    Adam, &nbsp; We have a large site with 5 regional sites in seven languages - it would be nice to be able to set which common.config to use programmatically.&nbsp; We could have a file for each language, and possibly also for each content management module, to avoid large lists of items in the dropdowns. &nbsp; I know that I can code to add ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by twieleba on June 27, 2008
  • International Keyboard

    The language names at the top of the International Keyboard are coming up in French. Is there a way to switch to english? &nbsp; On another note - I have used 5 or 6 other HTML editors over the years - yours is the best I have seen. &nbsp; Thanks in advance.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by twieleba on June 26, 2008