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  • Re: Url Replacement

    Hi Tommy, &nbsp; I had problems like this, I found the solution is to leave your addressing relative (i.e. no URLType definition) but define your css path ($editor-&gt;EditorWysiwygModeCss) as absolute. You might have to do&nbsp;image URLs in your content as absolute as well. &nbsp; Regards &nbsp; Mel. &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by MelB on April 11, 2008
  • Re: newbie css help (And two other newbie questions)

    Hi pmagoo, &nbsp; try defining your css path as an absolute URL, i.e. with http:// . There is an editor property called URLType which lets you define addresses as absolute, but don't use this - only the css should be absolute, everything else should be relative (the default value). &nbsp; It worked for ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by MelB on April 11, 2008
  • Re: Safari content load problem

    Hi Adam, &gt; Can you reproduce the problems in the following examples? &gt; &gt; &gt; Safari can read the content of these pages ok, but I can see what I think is a manifestation of the problem ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by MelB on April 10, 2008
  • Safari content load problem

    Hi everyone, &nbsp; the company I work for has just bought&nbsp;Cute Editor, I am trying to integrate it into our website content management system. CE is a very nice product, I have got it to work perfectly with IE and Firefox but Mac Safari and PC Safari won't load the editor content. I am fairly sure I have everything set up correctly, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by MelB on April 10, 2008