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  • Re: How can I disable the Animation effects

    Maybe I missed this topic in the documentation, but does anybody know how to disable the animation effects&nbsp;[mouseover, mousedown, mouseup&nbsp;events] for all images in the toolbar.&nbsp; &nbsp; This is the last issue I'm trying to solve.&nbsp; Thanks for all your work and help.&nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ntgrvt on April 25, 2007
  • How can I disable the Animation effects

    Maybe I missed this topic in the documentation, but does anybody know how to disable the animation effects&nbsp;[mouseover, mousedown, mouseup&nbsp;events] for all images in the toolbar.&nbsp; &nbsp; I've already&nbsp;commented out many lines of code in the .css files but still seem to be missing something. Is there a property/attribute that ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ntgrvt on April 18, 2007