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  • HTML bottom tags

    Hi Adam, What is the feature called where HTML tags are ''breadcrumb''-ed at the bottom of the editor (next to the PREVIEW button) depending on the HTML content in the editor and how can I disable or customize it?? For instance, I want to disable/hide Fore Color, Highlight &amp; Verbs. Or perhaps all I want is Delete Tag. Hear ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bobby on April 12, 2007
  • Re: Upload Files - Filenames

    Hey! what do you know... Somebody beat me to this question...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bobby on March 7, 2006
  • Upload Files - Filenames

    Hi there, &nbsp; I only noticed this in&nbsp;v5.2 but is there a reason that spaces are not allowed in filenames anymore? I used to be able to upload files like&nbsp;'My Logo.jpg' or 'Company&nbsp;Sales.pdf'. And is there a way to remove this restriction? It's helluva task to rename every file everytime...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bobby on March 7, 2006
  • HTML view

    Hi there,&#160; I have white text for my website. 1. Is there a way to change the background of the HTML view (Not the Design view)? With white text, I can't read the HTML code. 2. Can I stylize the HTML view? (Design view has editorwysiwygmodecss)
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bobby on March 14, 2005
  • Visible Borders

    Hi there,&#160;I have a black colour&#160;background website.1. How do I disable the 'Visible Border' by default? 2. How do I change the colour of the 'Visible Border' to another colour instead of the default black?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bobby on March 14, 2005