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  • Re: Inserted image properties...

    Thanks for your reply, Adam. &nbsp; What I mean is that I want to modify by code the image style WIDTH and HEIGHT properties so it stretches the images but without modifiying image size so it doesn't loose quality. I would like to do that every time the user inserts an image. &nbsp; sptxt is the Cute ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by raul_xl on November 16, 2006
  • Inserted image properties...

    Hi everybody, &nbsp; Whenever a user&nbsp;inserts an image I would like to do something.&nbsp;Let's say that what I want is that the user doesn't have to push absolute button and stretch the image everytime is inserted. Instead I would like to do that by code every time an image is inserted and insert that image with absolute position and 200px ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by raul_xl on November 16, 2006
  • PDF bad format!!!

    Hello!-I'm trying the component because it's almost what I need, but I'm having problems generating PDF. Even whith the sample code if I set a border for the table or a bgcolor on a div I get the following error when I later try to open the pdf file:In Spanish is : Distintivo desconocido: 758, 58.That would be something like: Unknown flag: 758, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by raul_xl on November 4, 2006