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  • Re: Cute Editor - Spell check not working

    Hi Ken,The setting of the ValidateRequest is already set to ''False'' in the file SpellCheck.aspx. Can you please let us know what else could cause this error?&nbsp;THanksAjay
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AjayG on February 20, 2012
  • Cute Editor - Spell check not working

    Hi,We see the following error message whenever we try to use the spell check button:&nbsp;''HTML entry is not allowed on that page. Such as &amp;#, &lt; followed by a character, &lt; followed by !, or double underscore.''&nbsp;It does not matter if we have any text typed into the editor field or not, it fails for both empty as well as ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AjayG on February 17, 2012