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  • Re: Unable to select multiple files

    Yes I can. &nbsp; I downloaded demo files and tried the example in server where there is no flash or silverlight installed. I worked fine (i was able to select multi-files) but when integrated&nbsp;with Sharepoint if failed. &nbsp; Let me try in another server with Windows server 2008&nbsp;.&nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by RadhakrishnaNaik on March 14, 2011
  • Unable to select multiple files

    Hi I am trying out the Ajax uploader multifile upload like gmail,&nbsp;especially trying to integrate the functionality with Sharepoint 2007. In stand alone demo application we were able to see the control in action, but when included within sharepoint when when MultiFileUpload=true I am unable to select multiple files. The ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by RadhakrishnaNaik on March 14, 2011