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  • Re: Ajax uploader used in ModalPopup doesn't work in Opera

    Hello Adam, &nbsp; thanks for reply. &nbsp; I checked the example page and I noticed that in IE a new modal popup is used, but with Opera a new window opens. How can I do that? &nbsp; P.S.: after inserting a photo (or canceling it) the editor freezes in Opera browser. &nbsp; Can you please advise. &nbsp; Thanks, Grega
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by cupi on June 16, 2010
  • Ajax uploader used in ModalPopup doesn't work in Opera

    Hello, &nbsp; the first problem with Ajax uploader is that the input button dissapears after the modalpopup is shown (the button is visible for only a second). But it still works if&nbsp;you click on the position where&nbsp;the button should be located. After selecting a file, a white rectangle appears&nbsp;in the upper left corner and nothing ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by cupi on June 11, 2010
  • Re: Opera with Silverlight 3 and Flash 10

    Hello, &nbsp; I am having exactly the same problem&nbsp;with the latest version of Opera browser (10.52). I downloaded your latest relesase but still no change. &nbsp; Do we have to wait fo the Opera to fix the bug or will you also include the patch in your component? &nbsp; Thanks, Grega
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by cupi on April 28, 2010