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  • Re: Ox7[OxO3669[28]].setAttribute is not a function

    For anyone else who encounters this, I found the issue. &nbsp;It actually was the AjaxControlToolkit. &nbsp;Apparently, the newest release does not dispose of controls properly when you have a modalpopupextender inside of an update panel. &nbsp;As a result, multiple controls of the same ID get created on the page. &nbsp;This caused me a whole lot ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by drudo on March 4, 2010
  • Re: Ox7[OxO3669[28]].setAttribute is not a function

    Thank you for the suggestion, however after downloading the newest dll, I still get the error, just a different name for the control.&nbsp;Ox7[OxO3669[28]].setAttribute is not a function&nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by drudo on March 1, 2010
  • Ox6[OxO72c7[26]].setAttribute is not a function

    I'm pretty new to using this control, but we've been very pleased with it. &nbsp;However, I just took on the project of moving my project to VS 2008 and updating to .Net 3.5. &nbsp;I've gotten all my kinks worked out now except for one. &nbsp;I have a page that hasn't changed from the old version, but now that it's in .Net 3.5, I get the error ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by drudo on February 26, 2010